Thursday 29 August 2013

SLAB BOXING 26th August and POUR on 27th !!

The block dried up nicely over the weekend and PD were on site bright and early Monday morning for boxing up for the slab which was due for pouring on Tuesday. It's been a little bit stop and go because of the weather, but as it cleared up they were working fast and hard to catch up.

Plastic down

All went very smooth and team PD were very good. The Inspector came along to check the slab set up and after some minor adjustments etc it was all complete and ready for pour the next morning.

Tada !
Finished slab... very nice .... a great job. Fantastic trades, the guys did an amazing job in setting up and adding all of the steel and pods ready for the pour. We were told 9 cement trucks delivering all that cement. Very few errors in anything to date.

Can't wait for when we might get to see some framing.

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