Thursday 22 August 2013

Drainage complete and we're back on track - 20th August

Well, this week things kicked off again. The block has dried up a lot although the far rear is still a bit dodgy. The digging of the trenches required is complete for the storm water, downpipes, waste, sewer/venting and services and laid all the pipes down with risers sticking up all over the site. Also they completed the last remaining 8 piers around the garage and front porch.

They have now re-leveled the site and laid out rock in preparation for the slab which is booked in for the pour on Monday 26th !!
Here's praying for rain to stay away just long enough to get the foundations down so we can move along to framing! Can hardly wait.

Here are some more snaps...

left with a nice tidy flat base to start boxing up with steel etc for slab!

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