Thursday 29 August 2013

Ground Floor Framing 29 August

Well the slab started drying only to have materials dropped off the very next day !!
On the 28th, we got to our surprise, a bunch of materials delivered to site.

Wow really moving now. Framing delivery Afternoon Wednesday 28th.

Thursday Morning 10AM... six amazing busy carpenters hard at work.

By 3:30 in the afternoon they had half of the ground floor framing done:

By 6pm the same day... it looks like they have completed most of the ground floor framing only we don't have a photo as it was too dark to take one!!!

Stay tuned tomorrow for more amazing feats by Team PD!!

Very impressed so far with the the quality and speed of construction!!!!

SLAB BOXING 26th August and POUR on 27th !!

The block dried up nicely over the weekend and PD were on site bright and early Monday morning for boxing up for the slab which was due for pouring on Tuesday. It's been a little bit stop and go because of the weather, but as it cleared up they were working fast and hard to catch up.

Plastic down

All went very smooth and team PD were very good. The Inspector came along to check the slab set up and after some minor adjustments etc it was all complete and ready for pour the next morning.

Tada !
Finished slab... very nice .... a great job. Fantastic trades, the guys did an amazing job in setting up and adding all of the steel and pods ready for the pour. We were told 9 cement trucks delivering all that cement. Very few errors in anything to date.

Can't wait for when we might get to see some framing.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Slab prep - 23 August

Oh dear, more rain last night. Site is pretty soft again so not sure if they will proceed to prep for slab, will wait and see what happens...

Steel & foam pods for waffle slab have been delivered and are waiting.

Drainage complete and we're back on track - 20th August

Well, this week things kicked off again. The block has dried up a lot although the far rear is still a bit dodgy. The digging of the trenches required is complete for the storm water, downpipes, waste, sewer/venting and services and laid all the pipes down with risers sticking up all over the site. Also they completed the last remaining 8 piers around the garage and front porch.

They have now re-leveled the site and laid out rock in preparation for the slab which is booked in for the pour on Monday 26th !!
Here's praying for rain to stay away just long enough to get the foundations down so we can move along to framing! Can hardly wait.

Here are some more snaps...

left with a nice tidy flat base to start boxing up with steel etc for slab!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Drainage still on hold ....

Unfortunately, we can't report on any progress. All we are doing at this stage is waiting for our land to dry out, it's just too soggy (and dangerous) to get the drainers/bobcats to do their work.

Monday 5 August 2013

Work delayed due to extreme soggy conditions - 6th August

Well, I guess we expected the call from PD (our 'foundations Supervisor') today they found it impossible to proceed with digging for the drainage. This is not because of how wet it is in the front but because of the rear where the fill is. To dig through 1.4 metres of fill and then past natural ground level, he said the machines would not cope and it can become dangerous to try. He said he would come by on Thursday and see how it was. Meantime slab pour is on hold until the land dries out some more.

Can't say we are surprised, we live in Melbourne after all and not strangers to the wet conditions... and now we wait.... and pray for sunshine and happy days!

... sigh

Electrical meter box installed - 5th August

Yesterday, On the usual 'school run, drive by' I was saddened by this site... oh dear what a mess!

But then, to my pleasant surprise contractors show up to do the installation of the meter box anyway...

So then after they leave more happened... contractor arrived to flatten the site again in preparation for drainers next day. It is a shocking mud bath out there, not sure how he managed to do it but it must have been pretty slippery.

I drove by again as he was loading up a very muddy bobcat onto the trailer and he told me that even though we were scheduled for draining to be started on Tuesday it would be highly unlikely that they would be able to dig the very deep trenches required for the pipes due to the condition of the land, which is way too wet and no surprise to us


Piering photos

No it's not a 'moon landing' it's the piering holes filled with concrete!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Piering complete ! - 1/8/13

No mucking around here... Yesterday, PD were on site measuring out and 'placing' the house on the land in preparation for the piering & slab.

Then today, PD was back on site at 7am and dug 66 piering holes ranging in depth from about 4 metres at the rear to 2.7 at the front of the house location.

Later today the concrete trucks arrived and all the holes have been filled with the cement slurry. This concrete piering will support the slab.