Tuesday 30 July 2013

Retainer walls completed -Tick - 29 July 2013

Well after having such a quick site cut we were in for a few days of retaining wall building. The guys were great and very professional. As our site fill had a retaining height of 1.4m at the highest point it meant that the galvanised steel bars were in a 2.5m deep hole 450mm diameter (big !!). As the concrete was setting they had to move quickly and all was done over a three day period.

After a few nervous moments where we thought the heavens would open, it stayed nice and dry for the whole exercise, so now we have a good flat block to start with the next phase... bring on our piering !! 66 holes. Yeah they could be doing that for a while we think.

Anyway the attached photos give you a nice look at the new flat block we have. Again great job so far, fingers crossed the weather stays good for another dry Melbourne winter (ha ha), one can only hope.

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