Wednesday 10 July 2013

Start date set and ready to go!

Wooo Hooo !!! After much to-ing and fro-ing with construction drawing amendments, we are finally on our way now...

Got confirmation of start date to be 23rd July for site cut and a 10th August for slab pour.
We recommend checking over every part of your drawings. Pay attention to the detail; things like the location of waste drains, extraction venting from bathrooms and door heights.

We learned that we needed to check 'standard inclusions' like the hot water system (only 175 litres), which they say is adequate for the size of your 5 bedroom home but not when compared to the Rinnai spec sheet. I think we will upgrade to 270L with an S26 booster. We also added two extra heating vents to the upstairs bathrooms. They can add them to the upper floor but not to the downstairs, we also zoned the heating between the upper and ground floor, well worth it we think.

We also think we need an extra down pipe for our garage.... roof area is in excess of 50msq with only one down pipe; the spreader from the second storey flows onto that roof as well, so I think we will be looking at trying to convince PD to provide a better solution. Slotted gutters or not, we don't want a water problem later. They did !!... we have an extra gutter.

Now we just need to hope for some dry weather, a dry winter, about the 10th of August for the slab pour. Time is ticking, at least with the start of the build now provided, the pressure is on PD to build in the time frame. Thirty eight weeks with 28 days over Christmas and 10 days inclement weather; should be a breeze. Now with a site start date in sight, we are getting very excited that all our hard work and patience will finally materialise and become our dream come true. Stay tuned...

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