Tuesday 8 October 2013

Bricklaying Day Six - 8 October 2013

Well six days in and team PD are powering through the bricklaying. We have had a number of shipments of bricks as they get through each unload, a new batch arrive. It seems to be going up very quickly and Sunday was another big bricklaying day, YES they worked on a Sunday.

Over the door and window lintels

No need for a double take, yes these are different bricks. A tip, if you are going to render your home why use the more expensive brick. We selected the base range for where we will have rendered sections of the home which are still very nice bricks but without the $$$$$.

The other great news is the plaster boards arrived before access gets too difficult....

The view... our windows look like they will deliver what we hoped for as a view from the first floor. Can't wait to have the safety covers removed to see the full view.

Just what we were hoping for.....

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