Friday 27 September 2013

Fireplace framing and last minute touchups 27 September 2013

Well we had hoped to be into our first week of bricklaying but time drags on as the final timber framing touch ups happen. We met with our bricklayers on site by accident and it was apparent that they needed some things done before they could start.

Our fireplace framing needed to be finished so they could brick around it, they needed some more ground base material around the house and they needed the tiles moved from the garage floor.

Hopefully next week we will be into the thick of building again. Some pictures below of the fireplace, should be good when we get to put it in !!

We had specified the fireplace to be 400mm off the floor but the messages got lost and it was originally framed to be on the floor.

This was quickly fixed by team PD and the correct framing installed with a solid base for the gas fireplace firebox. All ready now for bricking.

The bricks have been distributed around the house in preparation for the works next week, given it is grand final week-end not much chance of any work this week-end. We are sure it will take off quickly really soon though.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

More Steel - Lintels Arrive - 18 September 2013

Some carpentry touch ups and the steel lintels and our feature facade arch arrive on site.
As we know bricking will start Monday so all materials are getting here in preparation.

Some of the further carpentry around features and window installs.

Bricks Arrive - 17 September 2013

Well another day on and just when we were wondering what will happen next, we drove past to see another pile of change. Yep a pile of bricks had been dropped off. Team PD on the move again getting on with the schedule to begin building on the outside.

and more bricks ....

Bricking is scheduled to start Monday and will probably take 6 weeks... we think !!

Plumbing done 16th September

I had a quick look in on my way home, and saw that PD have been busy yet again today. They have installed the hot & cold water and gas line to everywhere it's supposed to go.
Also the carpenters have been at it again, finishing of the installation of the remaining windows and external door frames.

Master Ensuite window installed

Kitchen feature windows installed

The upstairs plumbing

The bigger pipes as well.....

The downstairs plumbing

The hot water system piping...

So far so good, all looks great. We are told that the brick works should be on schedule for next week. Can't wait to see our brick selection again. It is tough selecting all of these colours and hoping that it all comes together. Here's hoping it does !!

Monday 16 September 2013

Roof on 12th & 13 September !

As promised by our SS the roof was surely completed by the end of week!
Lot's of double takes as passerby's comment on how fast it's going up!

first the gutters and fascias were done and the ground floor exterior was wrapped.

then the roof was complete all in a few days....

Then the scaffolding was taken away and ta-da.... Roof!

It looks great, very happy.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Roof Trusses 5 September

Well we hoped the roof trusses might arrive as promised.

And they did....... 9 AM delivery

but why wait... when you can install it as well .... 3:30 PM SAME DAY !!.

Team PD have gone gang busters in getting all of the newly supplied material up in the air. Amazing !!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Framing and Windows arrive 3 September

In one week we have seen the slab go down, the ground floor get built and now the upstairs rooms have taken shape. Our windows arrived as well and all looks set to begin their installation too.
We are waiting for the roof trusses which we were told should arrive tomorrow.

Our SS advised that the roof should be on by the end of next week !!

Team PD is off and racing again and so far the build is going really well, thankfully the Melbourne weather has helped with some perfect spring days and warm weather for a change.

Day 1

Day 2

and upstairs

and from the rear

Our windows